• 光,光,光 (2023)

  • 状态: HD
  • 类型:剧情 爱情 同性
  • 主演:丽贝卡·贝尔 Anni·Iikkanen 劳拉·布林 皮霍·朗卡 Kanerva·Paunio Janne·Reinikainen
  • 上映时间:2023-10-13(芬兰)
  • 地区:芬兰

简介:  In the spring of 1986, there is an explosion in Chernobyl and a girl called Mimi arrives in a small village in Western Finland. She immediately fills 15-year-old Mariia’s life with radiating light. 20 years later Mariia returns home to take care of her sick mother, and memories of that meaningful summer start rising to the surface.

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